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Urine Sediment


Urine Sediment

250 Seiten, Auflage, 2020
326 Abbildungen

  • Contains many high-resolution digital photographs of all morphological features of urinary sediment
  • Provides Depictions of unstained decoy cells in bright-field and phase-contrast imaging
  • Features an introduction to microscopic sediment analysis using illustrations of typical urinary sediment findings
This book is a comprehensive resource and up-to-date description of all urinary sediment constituents which are presented in bright-field mode and in phase-contrast mode.

Thanks to numerous detailed images of urinary sediment constituents, the reader is able to easily compare what they view microscopically with high-resolution photographs and short films. The book is also designed to aid the identification of rare urine constituents in their native state without prior staining. It also features guidance on how set-up a microscope , microscopy techniques, and preanalytics. Exercises focused on microscopic analysis and diagnosis and a urinary sediment quiz reinforce key concepts to aid learning.

Urine Sediment provides a practically applicable guide to the recognition of urinary sediment constituents. It is therefore a critical resource for trainees and experienced practitioners in urology, nephrology, gynecology and general practice who need to be able to accurately and quickly identify urine sediment constituents.

Table of Contents
  • The Microscope
  • Setting-Up Köhler Illumination
  • Phase-Contrast Microscopy
  • Macroscopic Urinalysis
  • Microscopic Urinalysis
  • Anatomy of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract System
  • Description of Urinary Sediment Constituents
  • Staining of Urinary Sediment Constituents
  • Cell Counting in the Fuchs-Rosenthal Counting Chamber
  • Hematuria: Laboratory Investigations
  • Urinary Sediment Constituents in Bright-Field and Phase-Contrast Microscopy
  • Microscopic Urine Sediment: Analysis and Findings
  • Urine Sediment Quiz

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2020 Hardcover statt 96,29 €

€ 69,54
versandkostenfrei - in acht bis zehn Werktagen lieferbar Anzahl:
Preis: € 69,54