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ALMODIN / NASSARALLA / SANDES --- Neuerscheinung!!

A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

1029 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
473 Abbildungen

  • Provides updated information on keratoconus treatment
  • Details new surgical procedures with wide technological application
  • Presents the advantages and main differences between lasers technologies for keratoconus treatment
Keratoconus is a progressive disease of the cornea which can lead to blindness as irregular astigmatism increases. The study of the ectasic diseases of the cornea has evolved considerably in the last several years and this has brought new tools for the keratoconus diagnosis and treatment. A better understanding of treatment options can enhance visual rehabilitation and prevent blindness in these patients.

This book provides the reader deeply and updated information on keratoconus treatment. Written by experts from worldwide, the book presents clinical, genetic, metabolic and biomechanical aspects in the development of the disease, the proper intervention time, the imaging tests used for diagnosis and keratoconus monitoring, as well as details on new surgical procedures (as contact lenses and laser technologies) using modern methods with wide technological application. Two pioneers in the keratoconus treatment bring their valuable contribution in specific chapters.

Ophthalmologists will find a practical and useful approach of new technologies to get the best results for their patients. This book will really impact changes in the therapeutic conduct of corneal surgeons.

Content Overview
  • Keratoconus Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Advances in Keratoconus Treatment

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2022 Hardcover statt 246,09 €

€ 176,54
versandkostenfrei - in acht bis zehn Werktagen lieferbar Anzahl:
Preis: € 176,54