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Bionic Limb Reconstruction

ASZMAN / FARINA --- Neuerscheinung!!

Bionic Limb Reconstruction

233 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2021

  • Discusses the entire field of bionic limb replacement from basic science to clinical practice
  • Provides detailed information on the most recent techniques in prosthetic reconstruction of both upper and lower extremities including relevant reconstructive surgical options
  • Written by leading experts
This book presents the latest techniques in amputation rehabilitation and summarizes the most recent research findings in the field of bionic limb reconstruction.

Divided into seven parts written by experts in the field, it provides valuable information on e.g. upper extremity injuries, psychological considerations, prosthetic engineering, and surgical and rehabilitation strategies. Illustrative figures and photos of real-life settings further assist understanding.

This book is of interest not only for plastic surgeons, but also for hand surgeons, orthopedic and trauma surgeons as well as therapists, prosthetists and engineers.

Table of Contents

Part I. Severe injuries of the upper extremity.-
  • 1. General Considerations on Upper Limb Amputation and its Levels.-
  • 2. Psychosocial importance of the hand, consequences of severe hand trauma, amputation and complete brachial plexus injury.-
  • 3. Inner amputations of the upper extremity.-
Part II. Functional restoration in upper limb amputees.-
  • 4. Body-powered prosthetic systems.-
  • 5. Mechatronic Design of Functional Prosthetic Systems.-
  • 6. Osseointegrated amputation prostheses and implanted electrodes.-
  • 7. Outcome Measures.-
  • 8. Biologic alternatives to prosthetic hand replacement.-
Part III. Selective nerve transfers in upper limb amputees.-
  • 9. Motor unit characteristics after selective nerve transfers.-
  • 10. Targeted muscle reinnervation in upper limb amputees.-
Part IV. Phantom pain in limb amputees.-
  • 11. Epidemiology and mechanisms of phantom limb pain.-
  • 12. Treatment strategies for phantom limb pain.-
Part V. Man-machine interfaces in prosthetics.-
  • 13. Control Strategies for Functional Upper Limb Prostheses.-
  • 14. Implantable myoelectric sensors for prosthetic control.-
  • 15. Prosthetic feedback systems.-
Part VI. Prosthetic replacement in patients with inner amputations.-
  • 16. Deafferentation pain following brachial plexus avulsion injuries.-
  • 17. Treatment algorithm for bionic hand reconstruction in patients with global brachial plexopathies.-
  • 18. Functional and psychosocial outcomes of bionic reconstruction and impact on quality of life, body image perception and deafferentation pain.-
  • 19. Ethical considerations and psychological evaluation in elective amputation for Brachial Plexus Injuries.-
Part VII. Rehabilitation in upper limb prosthetics.-
  • 20. Principles of Occupational and Physical Therapy in Upper Limb Amputations.-
  • 21. Novel technologies in upper extremity rehabilitation.-
  • 22. Conclusions and Future Outlook.

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2021 Hardcover statt 160,49 € tech

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