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Practical Pediatric Urology


Practical Pediatric Urology
An Evidence-Based Approach

520 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2021
120 Abbildungen

  • Contains clinical x-rays and imaging photos
  • Includes summary questions to aid self-assessment
  • Incorporates real life case studies
This book provides a case based approach to the problems faced within pediatric urology and an evidence based approach to their solutions. Chapters on urodynamics, external genitalia, the upper urinary tract, the lower urinary tract, and office pediatric urology are included.

Practical Pediatric Urology aims to utilise real life scenarios to improve data analysis, diagnosis, and treatment decisions within clinical settings. Key learning objectives are included to enable medical professionals to assimilate, synthesise, and formulate a management plan for pediatric urological conditions encountered in clinical practice in a safe and evidence based approach.

This book is relevant to pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists and adult urologists who undertake some pediatric urology practice.

Table of Contents
  • 1. The Evolution of Evidence Based Clinical Medicine
  • 2. Clinical Practice Guidelines: Choosing wisely
  • 3. Antibiotic Stewardship in Pediatric Urology: Editorial Comment
  • 4. Pain Management in paediatric urology
  • 5. Antenatal Urology
  • 6. Office Paediatric Urology
  • 7. Neonatal Urological Emergencies
  • 8. Urinary Tract Infection in Infants and Children
  • 9. Upper Urinary Tract Obstruction UPJO, megaureter, ureterocele
  • 10. Congenital Upper Tract Anomalies: Duplication, Cystic Renal Dysplasia, Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney
  • 11. Practical Pediatric Urology: An Evidence Based Approach- Vesicoureteral Reflux and Bladder Diverticulum
  • 12. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction
  • 13. Lower urinary tract : urethra: duplication, prostatic utricle, Cowper’s gland cyst
  • 14. Hypospadias
  • 15. Bladder Exstrophy
  • 16. Genitalia: undescended testis, acute scrotum, buried penis
  • 17. Inguinal hernia, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Spermatocele and Abdomino-scrotal hydrocele
  • 18. Urolithiasis
  • 19. Urologic Tumors
  • 20. Pediatric Urologic Trauma
  • 21. Functional voiding disorders
  • 22. Neurogenic Bladder
  • 23. Disorders of sex development
  • 24. Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der Auflage 2021 Hardcover statt 160,49 €

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