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Pediatric Gynecology


Pediatric Gynecology
An Illustrated Guide for Surgeons

478 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2020
372 Abbildungen

  • Conveys a broad range of information in a concise manner
  • Examines various conditions from ovarian cysts and endometriosis to disorders of sexual development and breast disorders
  • Highly illustrated with radiological, operative, histological and hand-drawn images
This richly-illustrated book is a reader-friendly reference guide on pediatric gynecology covering both congenital and acquired conditions. Discussing a broad range of conditions from ovarian cysts and endometriosis to disorders of sexual development and breast disorders, this book presents the topics in a concise manner using a practical approach.

Each chapter is divided into sections that cover all aspects of the topic including radiology, surgery and clinical aspects and the text is accompanied by ample images.

The book will be of use to general surgeons, pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, pediatric endocrinologists, pediatric urologists, obstetricians and gynaecologists.

Table of Contents
  • 1. Development of the female reproductive system.-
  • 2. Delayed Puberty in Girls.-
  • 3. Precocious puberty.-
  • 4. Breast disorders in female children and adolescents.-
  • 5. Fused Labia (Labial Adhesions).-
  • 6. Imperforate Hymen.-
  • 7. Labial and inter-labial masses.-
  • 8. Pediatric Vulvovaginal Disorders and Vulvovaginitis.-
  • 9. Inguinal and femoral hernias in girls.-
  • 10. Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome.-
  • 11. Vaginal atresia, agenesis and vaginal septum.-
  • 12. Cloacal anomalies.-
  • 13. Menstruation disorders in adolescents.-
  • 14. Polycystic ovarian syndrome.-
  • 15. Endometriosis in adolescence girls.-
  • 16. Amenorrhea in adolescents.-
  • 17. Ovarian Cysts and Tumors.-
  • 18. Rhabdomyosarcoma of female children genital tract.-
  • 19. Disorders of sexual development.-
  • 20. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).-
  • 21. Androgen insensitivity syndrome (Testicular feminization syndrome).-
  • 22. Deficient testosterone biosynthesis.-
  • 23. Gonadal dysgenesis.-
  • 24. Ovotestis disorders of sexual development.


€ 149,79
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Preis: € 149,79