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Clinical Scenarios in Reconstructive Microsurgery


Clinical Scenarios in Reconstructive Microsurgery
Strategy and Operative Techniques

1083 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
936 Abbildungen

  • Focuses on very specific and often complex reconstructive problems
  • Thoroughly analyzes the decision-making steps for each case
  • Features accompanying short video clips for each case
This book presents more than 100 cases covering all areas of reconstructive surgery.

Divided into six parts (Head/Neck, Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Trunk, Breast and Lymphedema), it guides the reader through the difficult path of problem diagnosis, analysis and decision-making, presenting concrete steps and techniques for the successful management of patients with specific reconstructive needs. Each full-color case starts with a patient profile and continues with the diagnosis, key decisions, treatment plan, surgical procedure(s) and technical steps, postoperative management, outcome and case conclusion. Further, each case includes a discussion of pros and cons, comments, learning points and suggestions for further reading.

This book will be useful for all surgeons actively involved or interested in Reconstructive Microsurgery, especially Senior Residents and Fellows in Plastic, Head and Neck, Breast Surgery and Orthopedics.

Contents Overview
  • Head and Neck
  • Upper Extremity
  • Lymphedema
  • Lower Extremity
  • Breast/Trunk

€ 962,99
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Preis: € 962,99