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Homonymous Visual Field Defects


Homonymous Visual Field Defects

180 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2017
80 Abbildungen

  • Provides an up-to-date, "all in one" summary written by top experts in the field
  • Covers the fundamentals of brain anatomy, neuroimaging, psychology, and traffic medicine for ophthalmologists
  • Serves as a practical guide to work with hemianopic patients
This book provides a concise, up-to-date overview on homonymous visual field defects, and especially homonymous hemianopia. All aspects of the subject are covered, from anatomy and pathophysiology to diagnosis and management. Emphasis is placed on practical issues and major advances in ophthalmology, neurology, imaging techniques, and psychology. Rehabilitation strategies are described, and methods supporting compensation strategies are recommended. A separate chapter considers driving with homonymous hemianopia, which represents one of the critical issues in traffic ophthalmology.

This book will be of particular value to ophthalmologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neuroscientists. It will be an invaluable asset in diagnostic and treatment decision making in patients with homonymous visual field defects, which are the most frequent type of visual field deficit after acquired unilateral postchiasmal brain damage ​

Table of Contents
  • Anatomy of the Human Visual Pathway
    Joukal, Marek
  • Pathological Physiology of the Visual Pathway
    Marsalek, Petr (et al.)
  • Ischemic Stroke and Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Volný, Ondřej (et al.)
  • Neuro-Ophthalmological Examination in Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Papageorgiou, Eleni (et al.)
  • Types of Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Papageorgiou, Eleni (et al.)
  • Novel Imaging Techniques and Neuroradiologic Imaging
    Aldusary, Njoud (et al.)
  • Pupillary Disorders in Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Skorkovská, Karolína (et al.)
  • Eye Movements and Visual Search in Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Barton, Jason J. S.
  • Driving with Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Kasneci, Enkelejda (et al.)
  • Neurological and Neuropsychological Investigation in Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Pail, Martin (et al.)
  • Adaptation and Rehabilitation in Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Defects
    Trauzettel-Klosinski, Susanne

€ 149,79
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Preis: € 149,79